Monday, May 11, 2009

Welcome to my page! I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I've enjoyed creating it. I have been cooking for years now and love nothing more than finding or creating that new & oh so yummy recipe. Of course, reading cookbook after cookbook can be quite tedious at times .. I have decided to compile a list of my favourite recipe's as well as a few of my own creations but with a twist!

I don't know about you but I like to have some fun when I cook, mix things up a little. The last thing cooking should feel like, is a chore. I am hoping to end that with this blog by giving my readers a new an interesting way to enjoy cooking .. and that's by adding the ingredient humour!

Who wants to slave all day in front of a stove (okay okay, it's really only a few hours and yes you get breaks but that's not really the point is it)when you can actually enjoy your time in the kitchen.

Think about getting your partner to help you out. Everytime you get something right, have a shot! If anything, it will, at the very least, make it funny when the fire department shows up.

Get your kids to mix everything together, let them get in there with you. You'll find that you both have a blast cooking, just remember... only kool aid shots when the wee one's are in the kitchen.

Feel free to challenge yourself and make something that you've never had the nerve to create. If it comes out looking like goop, you can tell your other half that it may be a bust but it's the fanciest goop you've ever made! If it turns out great, give yourself a pat on the back and a few more shots..because you just aquired a new skill ;)

Some of the idea's I will be showcasing here are:

Traditional Irish Fare
Those Wonderful Comfort Foods
Recipes You Can Create With Your Kidz
Sinfull Sweets and much more!

So, let's put our funny chef's hat's on and get ready to learn, cook, & laugh ...


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